Monday, September 8, 2008

[reader mail] tiring

From Mara: I don't like the layout. It gets tiring to have to keep on scrolling down, it seems there are so many topics. Which would have been okay if in the layout, you can see everything already on the screen, instead of having to scroll down. (It's okay having to do an extensive scroll down if the whole thing is just under one topic, e.g. check out And it appears to be lacking in pictures/graphics. That's my over 300-characters worth of opinion which may not be the same as the majority.
Mara! Your "opinion" is very much appreciated. I know the dilemma. I can see it myself while I tried to read through this whole thing! I've been looking for a way to do exactly what you suggested: have everything on one screen, perhaps with just short summaries of each post and there is a "Read More..." link so that you can read the rest if you're interested in that topic.
Meanwhile, I have provided a temporary solution which you may already have noticed (I applied it to this week's edition already). The very first thing you will see when you visit is a list of the latest articles (particularly those pertaining to the current issue.) Hope this works for now. :-*

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