A handful of colleagues just arrived for the holidays from their work and new lives in Australia and UK. They told their stories about the work environments there. Why isn't it like that here? Why are we all pressuring each other here to deliver something in a day, that is asked for in three weeks when you are there? Why are we asked to do management work when we are not paid to do management work? Why are we all afraid to lose our jobs when we refuse to do things beyond what we are paid to do? Where are the laws that protect employees? There is something not right in society. There is too much pressure we impose on other people (and them on us) that we drown away in kilo after kilo of lechon kawali or bottle after bottle of San Miguel. Why should I be in the wrong when there may be healthier options outside of this society? I used to believe that you can make it here. You can. But you will die early because of the stress, or because you counter stress with unhealthy habits. I don't like it anymore.
You might say the alternative is, lower my standard. Don't aim high anymore. Shut up, coward. So do I stay here and "be a man" and face the reality? You dumb-ass. You think being a man means providing for your loved ones, but if you can't stay healthy and live long enough, you're just one of them cowards except you're pretending to be "the man." And you're dumb. Because if you really put your mind into it, if you really think about it, we can reach higher goals without having to sacrifice our religions, our well-being, our lives. I had to work on Sundays. Because if I don't... Imagine how many people talk about other people. "He's often sick. He's often late. He works so slowly. He doesn't finish on time. He can't get that big a raise. Heck, he shouldn't be promoted. Etc. Etc." All I want is...
Working in healthier environments (why does that sound synonymous with 'greener pastures'?) is only a short-term goal. The long-term goal is to change society, or to see it change. After more than 100 years since Rizal wrote about the Cancer in our Society, it has only metastasized.
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