Wednesday, February 25, 2009

[reactions+reflections] [Movie Review] The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

It's not a great movie.  But since a lot of people like it, you may want to watch it yourself.  It could wait on DVD or HBO.

But there's something you can realize from the movie that is so true - as people get older, they lose their adult-like abilities and turn to becoming child-like.  We become smaller when we're older.  We lose hair.  We are unable to cross the street by ourselves anymore.  We find it difficult to outrun the middle-aged people.  Of course, the only difference between little baby boy and grandpa is grandpa's eaten a whole lot more, there's been a lot more fatigue, and so there's more skin, and more damaged parts.  But they're just the same.  I like my grandmas - I got to know them when they were older.  When they were younger, they were... different.  I like babies too.  I took care of two cousins when they were babies.  But when they get older, they become... different.

All I am saying is that this is so true: "from dust we came and to dust we shall return."

A blessed Ash Wednesday to all  of you.

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