Saturday, February 14, 2009 is slimming down...

ronjie is slimming down... just a blog!  is it because it is valentine's?  NO!  no more blog-o-zines or whatever you want (or i wanted) to call it.  

RONJIE.COM will be all about me. ehehe... :-D  

which means you'll still find here what I think about books, movies, love, life, other blogs and websites, God and His Word and His beautiful creations, ronjie, interesting photos, places, things to buy/sell, tv shows, musicals/plays/theatrical shows, restaurants, retail establishments and service providers, gadgets... everything!

TXT, FWD, and RAW will now be moving to another address.  the 'did you know?' section will still exist here though.  but it may just have a home of its own.  all coach potato posts will still be here also, but they may just have homes of their own also.  my japan2005 blog will go back to its old home.  and... FOG (free online games) and different comics posts will still be here on occassion.  right now, i've already set up's mobile essentials portal. visit  in the near future, i will be setting up WE, WaE, and maybe ME.  that's windows (software) essentials, web apps essentials, and mac essentials.   

RONJIE.COM will just be... my blog!

the downside is... we don't know how regular the posts are going to be! (RONJIE.COM might not become weekly anymore... maybe monthly?)  so for now, just go about with your boring life (:-D) and wait til all these things start to roll out and come to fruition.  i'll let you know again if everything's all set up!

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