Monday, October 27, 2008 issue #9 (october 27, 2008)

9 issues. yey. what's special this week? nothing. but anyway. we have tons of stuff here. RAW. FWD. ENGG. FOG. RAW. CPC. R+R.

abbreviations, shmabbreviations.

did i say ENGG? did you catch on that? yup, we're trying to merge the RONJIE.COM engineering website (formerly here. but we'll see.

sudoku of course is this week's free online game (FOG). and there's a movie review somewhere there in coach potato's corner (CPC).

oh, wait, there's a reaction+reflection (R+R) here, which is a reflection on a reading from about a month ago. fortunately, that R+R post has found a home in today's issue. that's what's special for today.

well, hope you like the reads.

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